Hoodia Absolute

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Now a days among different treatments available for weight loss, there are several therapies for curbing overweight and obesity i.e.

DIETARY THERAPY- It involves reduction of calories intake, learning strategies like how to read nutritional labels, which type of food to buy and how to prepare them etc.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY- Exercising daily for alomost 30 minutes for adults and 60 minutes for children is necessary.

BEHAVIORAL THERAPY- It includes maintaining strategies for weight loss like:-

• Make record of your diet and exercise pattern in a diary
• Avoid taking high calorie foods
• Exercise regularly
• Stay away from myths and false beliefs about weight loss
• Develop a social support network that can motivate you in a positive manner towards losing weight.

DRUG THERAPY- IT should be used in combination with a healthy, balanced diet and physical activity

SURGERY- It is a fast method of controlling weight and is reccommended for persons with severe obesity however it is painful, expensive and has a number of adverse secondary complications

HERBAL THERAPY- NATURE is full of a number of useful herbs that can be used to get perfect shape and curves of the body. The main benfit of consuming these herbs is that they are 100% safe and has no side-effects. Scientists make use of these herbs and formulated effective herbal supplements to get rid of obesity.

Most of the weight loss supplement contains “Hoodia Gordonii” herb as a main ingredient. This herb is highly effective and acts as an appetite suppressor. However few supplements use this herb in right quantity.

Recent research shows that the consumption of 1000mg of Hoodia gordonii per day will results in considerable weight loss. By keeping in mind the above fact, VitoPharma, a leading herbal health products manufacturer formulated “Hoodia Gordonii Absolute”.

This supplement consists of right amount of Hoodia Gordonii and is a powerful fat burner. Not only this, it also enhances your energy level.

Few Additional Weight Loss tips: -

• Avoid skipping meals
• Increase fruits and vegetables in your diet
• Avoid oily and unhealthy food
• Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily
• Make erecrice a daily routine

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